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Now That You Are Baptised, Let's Talk was inspired by countless questions from various people, wanting to be 'born again' Christians, as well as many newly baptised believers, who have expressed difficulty in obtaining answers about some practical faith and church related issues.


The example of the 'new birth' as a step to accessing the Kingdom of Heaven, referred to by Jesus in St John Chapter 3, is very clear. However, for many there is often a degree of procrastination when making the decision to be baptised.


The 'Pre-Baptism Notes' section aims to inform and encourage people who are contemplating baptism. Presented in a question and answer style, Now That You Are Baptised, Let's Talk, contains practical concerns and issues about certain Christian living standards.


There is a touch of humour; opportunity for further study, as well as encouraging 'you'll be fine' notes at the end of some explanations. Testimonies are added to demonstrate that the challenges and temptations faced by Christians are not uncommon, and with positive affirmation believers can overcome victoriously.

Author Reverend Angela Briscoe


Jesus Is Ministries


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